Laparoscopic Fibroids Surgery In India
Fibroids (leiomyoma) are benign lumps of muscle found in the uterus.
Fibroids can occur in up to 40% of women and are classified depending on where they are situated in the uterus:
- Submucous fibroids involve the cavity of the uterus
- Intramural fibroids sit in the muscle layer of the uterus
- Subserosal fibroids protrude into the abdominal cavity
The cause of fibroids is unclear but we know they have receptors that respond to the female hormone oestrogen. The more receptors that are present the faster a fibroid grows and fibroids tend to shrink after the menopause when the levels of oestrogen drop.
Fibroids may be asymptomatic (have no symptoms) or they can be associated with:
- Heavy painful periods
- Abdominal distension
- Pressure symptoms causing disturbance to the bladder and bowel
- Painful intercourse
- Infertility (inability to get pregnant
- Recurrent miscarriage
- Also called as myomas, fibromyomas or leiomyomas, Fibroids are non-cancerous tumours of the uterus that appear during your childbearing years. Fibroids can appear on the inside or outside lining of your uterus, or within its muscular wall. They usually develop from a single smooth muscle cell that continues to grow.
- Fibroids often cause no problems, but may occasionally be associated with infertility, miscarriage and premature labour. Other possible problems include heavy, lengthy and painful periods. Treatment depends on the size, number and location of the fibroids, but may include drugs and surgery.
Fibroids that varies surgery:-
- Fibroids growing large enough to cause pressure on other organs.
- Fibroids are growing rapidly.
- Fibroids are causing abnormal bleeding.
- Fibroids are causing problem with fertility.
Symptoms of Fibroids-
In many cases, fibroids are asymptomatic.
Symptoms may include-
- Heavy periods
- Lengthy periods
- Period pain
- Spotting between period.
- Painful intercourse
- A sensation of heaviness or pressure in the back, bowel and bladder
- Frequent urination
- A lump or swelling in the lower abdomen.