Laparoscopic Hiatus Hernia

Procedure  of Laparoscopic Hiatus Hernia A hiatus / Hiatal hernia is generally located in the stomach area or the esophagus, the swallowing tube that connects the mouth to the stomach. This tube passes through the diaphragm, around upper stomach and lower esophagus  there is a sphincter Lower esophagus sphincter (LES) and often grows too wide, prevents the  acids and foods from the stomach to regurgitate back up into the esophagus tube,sometimes this LES becomes defective . Hiatal or hiatus is the medical name for an opening or tear. Therefore, a hiatal hernia often occurs if a small portion of the stomach is pushed up through that opening, causing symptoms such as heartburn and chest pain as well as acid reflux. A variety of treatments for hiatal hernia repair are available, including Laparoscopic Surgery.

Laparoscopic Hiatal Hernia Surgical Repair Procedure One of the most common types of hiatal hernia repair surgery is called a fundoplication. This type of surgical procedure is common for those diagnosed with acid reflux disease.

The Minimally Access Laparoscopic surgical procedure utilizes very small incisions through which a cannula, or long, thin tube with a telescope attached to one, is inserted into the body cavity. The surgeon is able to view the surgical field within the body via a monitor or screen in the operating theatre.

The patient is placed under general anesthesia during the procedure, which typically takes between 1 and 2 hours. The surgeon may choose one of two approaches to this type of surgery:

  • Open repair – an incision is made in the abdomen, through which the surgeon can access the body cavity.
  • Laparoscopic repair – 3 to 5 small incisions are made in the abdomen, followed by insertion of Laparoscope in one incision, and specialized tools in the others.

The surgeon repairs the hiatal hernia tear or opening with stitches or tightens the opening within the diaphragm that will prevent the stomach from bulging through it. Or, the surgeon will ensure a secure juncture between the esophagus and the diaphragm by stitching the upper part of the stomach around the end of the esophagus. This procedure will help prevent stomach acids or food from backing up into the esophagus during the digestive process.

Benefits from Laparoscopic Hiatus / Hiatal Hernia Repair Procedures

Any individual who suffers chronic symptoms of heartburn, indigestion, acid reflux, or regurgitation of food or stomach acids back into the esophagus may benefit from some type of hiatal hernia repair procedure. Hiatal hernia repair is considered safe and effective, though case outcomes depend on individual scenarios and symptoms.

Although many gastrointestinal disorders can be treated successfully with lifestyle changes or medications, some conditions may require surgery specially when medication failed.